Grass Roots Skills Finder > Skills > DC Products 1(767)317-95 25

DC Products 1(767)317-95 25

Skill Description

DC Products provider of rosemary oil, pure coconut oil, virgin coconut oil, bay oil and snake oil.

Rosemary oil: uses: hair care,  prevents hair loss and greying, makes hair grow longer and stronger, memory, muscle pain.

Bay and snake oiluses: arthritis, poor blood circulation, paralysis, muscle pain, body massage, removal of pimples and acne,  .removal of lota and rash

Virgin coconut oil: uses: quick source of energy, helps reduce hunger,  food oxidant sourse, improves liver health,  make homemade salad dressing, reduces belly fat, increases your good hdl cholesterol, increases metabolism, makes healthy mayonaise, improves your dental health, improves brain function

Pure coconut oil: uses: protection from uv rays, relieves skin irritation and exzema, improve wound healing, boost bone health, combat condida, moisturizes your skin, protects your hair from damage,  remove eye make up, soothe chapped lips, boosts skin health, reduce symptoms of alzheimer, helps reduce seizures, has anti microbial effects, encourages fat burning

Contact number:- 17673179525


DC Products available at Savers Super Centre in Picard, Portsmouth and  Minyas in Canefield

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